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Boston Triathlon Team 

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February, 2025

Dandee Donut Factory
9:00 AM
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Join Cory on his quest to run all the streets of MA! We are going to meet at Dandee Donut Factory in Revere. Purchase your own breakfast. Plenty of parking and seating. 9:00 - Meet 9:05 - Run 10:00 - Eat About the run: I am trying to run every inch of every street in Massachusetts (#ProjectMassachusetts on Instagram). This run (approximately 6 miles) will highlight what I go through every run. This very unique route will zig and zag, hitting dead ends and side streets. This run is meant to inspire exploration while running! A more simplistic route will be mapped, as well.
Swissbäkers (Allston)
9:00 AM
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9:00 AM ..... Meet @ Swissbakers 9:05 AM ..... Run the along the popular Charles River path 10:00 AM .... Eat* What‘s an SGR? During the offseason, BTTers rotate to lead a Sunday group run (SGR) followed by breakfast. This weekend, join us and run or walk, for 1 mile or 10, skip the breakfast or only come to eat... we‘re all just here for the company anyhow. This SGR is open to the public and is a great way to meet the team! ____________________________________ *Getting food is optional and is an individual expense. Running is optional. Participation in this non-sponsored event is at your own risk. Boston Triathlon Team is not responsible. Additionally, by participating you are granting permission for the use any photographs or recordings from the event. ____________________________________ Driving: There should be enough parking at Swissbakers, but alternative parking is available in the parking garage under the Trader Joe‘s nearby. Some street parking is available on Western Ave. Transit: Easily accessible via bus lines 70 or 86 (get off at North Harvard Street) Bike: Dedicated bike lanes, with some protected bikeways along the way if coming from the city or Newton/Watertown. Take the Charles River path to either N. Harvard or Western Ave.
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Addra Labs Webinar - Unlocking New Performance with Protein Link to Google Meet:
